Friday, February 20, 2009

Big Guy Back in the Basket

We removed the big guy (and a few others that weren't doing well) back into the breeder basket today. We are hoping that this may help them pull through the next few days. You can see the big guy swimming near the bottom in this video clip


Anonymous said...

Wow Mrs.Maruskin! That big fish got large really quickly! Did you just put George (3-4 class name for the BIG fish) in the blue container just today? He was in that corner today in class...

Mrs. Maruskin said...

Jada, we put him into the breeder basket before 5/6 period. His stomach is a bit smaller than yesterday. We decided this after emailing Mr. Dinkle, our PVFF volunteer. (We also added in some of the smaller fish, hoping that they will not have as much competetion for food.) Is there a parallel to this situation in a natural stream environment? A "safer" place for weak or injured fish to hide?

Yuki Kurna said...

How did he get that huge????????? His so big!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex1313 said...

How did the fish get so big;what did you feed it?Did it eat another fish?

Alex Enriquez

Sierra said...

I was so sad when George (3-4 class name for the BIG fish)died. He looked so awesome when he was big.
-Sierra Dischel 3/4