Sunday, March 8, 2009

Trout Update

Students are becoming experts at monitoring tank water quality. They are measuring pH, ammonia, nitrates and nitrites daily, and we are averaging 5 gallons of water change daily. We use a siphon for water changes. The siphon helps to stir up the sediment in the gravel and is a very easy way to remove the water. We removed the bag from the outside of the filter, and are hoping that this will help to reduce the amount of sediment in the gravel. We are still losing 4-6 fish each day, and hope this changes soon. At last count, students estimated there were 89 trout.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Is there anything we can change in our process or technique of taking care of them to help more of them survive? Also, if we just left the trout in a stream without us to care for them, how many do you think would survive in their 3rd month of individual survival??? I really want to know!!!
-Priya Shah